Read all the instructions and guidelines.

Before submitting a proposal, every speaker must have completed a “Speaker Pre-registration” which creates a personal profile. Should you have not done that yet, proceed accordingly. You will receive a confirmation E-mail activating your pre-registration. Check your e-mail account. In case you do not see it, please check your spam.

Complete and submit the Proposal Form. You will receive an email confirmation that your proposal was successfully submitted.


Speakers are encouraged to submit their presentations at a MEXTESOL® International Convention. The Proposal Form must be filled out completely to be considered. The title, summary, presenters' name, biodata, topic, and area of interest will be included in the program. If they exceed the stated limitations, they will not be printed in the program or appear on the MEXTESOL® official app.

Be sure to proofread your title, summary, and biodata carefully. We are not responsible for correcting any errors. You are also required to attach a recent, clear, color photo of yourself from the chest up and facing forward. All abstracts will be "double-blind-reviewed" by the team of Academic Readers who are experts in the field. These readers will review the proposals based on their academic merit, making sure that the content is relevant and up to date and reflects evidence of clear planning.

Proposals will also be chosen according to a variety of contents to present a balanced program at the convention. * Presentations are limited to one proposal per speaker. It is essential that all accepted presenters complete the process by paying the speaker’s registration fee by July 15th, 2025 (failure to do so will result in our need to deny your participation in the event). If for any reason a speaker is unable to present, he is required to notify MEXTESOL® of the cancellation in writing in a timely manner and/or inform a last-minute cancellation to OR

Failure to do so will set a precedent and be grounds for negating any forthcoming participation as a presenter. Certificates will not be issued to absentee presenters.


Title. The title is important for attracting participants to your session. Choose a title that is clear to the intended audience and limit it to 12 words. Titles with more than 15 words will not be accepted. Consider including descriptive or catchy words to entice and encourage your intended audience.

It is also important that the title of your presentation in some way relates (if possible) to the central theme of the convention.

Summaries. Summaries will appear in the convention program. They help convention participants decide which presentations will be the most appropriate to their interests. Summaries of more than 75 words will not be included. The summaries of accepted proposals will be copy-pasted directly into the program. Note: The program committee is not responsible for correcting errors. What you submit will be printed exactly as it is sent to MEXTESOL®. Therefore, please proofread your text carefully!

Biodata. The biographical statement is read the day of the congress, so participants know the presenter. In a maximum of 50 words for each participant, and using the third person, give the first and last names of the presenter(s) and relevant past and/or current activities. Write in complete sentences. The Biodata section is not a list. Again, please be sure to proofread your text carefully. Once your proposal has been accepted, the presenters in the biographical statements will be responsible for delivering it; there can be no changes of names of presenters.

Abstracts. The abstract does not appear in the program, but it is the only part of the proposal seen by the Academic Readers. Carefully read all instructions. Abstracts should be a maximum of 250 words. The abstract for other type of sessions must include the main ideas to be presented and a description of the visual display or materials to be utilized.

Follow this basic abstract scheme:

In the first idea, state the topic to be addressed and give several examples in the literature which support the importance of the topic.

In the second idea, state the subtopics to be covered and the approximate amount of time that will be devoted to each activity.

In the third idea, provide a list of any materials to be used or demonstrated.

In the final idea, list the specific objectives that participants can be expected to have learned.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Titles, biodata statements, and summaries will be cut at the maximum number of words indicated above. To avoid embarrassment or other problems, write within the established limits. Hyphenated words count as two (or more) words and acronyms count as one word.

We are in the best disposition to assist you to the best of our ability in making your presentation at our MEXTESOL® convention a memorable one, so if you have questions or doubts, do not hesitate to contact us to OR


Submit a presentation that has not been previously delivered at a MEXTESOL® International Convention.

Complete your Proposal Form carefully.

State your topic and point of view clearly.

Select the best format (paper, demonstration, workshop, etc.).

Plan to use a variety of presentation techniques (activities, visuals, etc.).

Use a title that correctly reflects the content.

Include supporting details and examples.

Allot sufficient time to cover the material outlined.

Show familiarity with current practices and/or research.

Prepare a program summary that will draw the most appropriate audience to your presentation.

Edit and proofread the abstract carefully.

Please DO NOT write in all capital letters, use bold letters or any other special features. Check the following link for the APA 7th Edition (2019) guidelines for the use of upper- and lower-case letters: or

Use capital letters for the main words in the title, but not short prepositions or the articles "the", "a", or "an", if they are not the first word of the title.


(They might vary slightly according to the kind of session.)

Relevance of the topic.

Evidence of careful preparation.

The abstract matches theory with practice according to the kind of session.

Correct writing conventions /Academic register.

Sufficient time allowed for the subtopics and activities.

Use of appropriate literature sources.


The Academic Committee may disqualify a proposal known to have been delivered previously at a MEXTESOL® International Convention.

All the academic session formats included in this Call for Participation are prohibited from promoting commercial interests.

The proposal was not completed according to the guidelines on this Call for Participation.

The proposal involves extensive use of expensive audiovisual equipment, making the cost of presenting the session prohibitive.

The proposal was not received at the MEXTESOL® Office by the deadline.

A note about multiple proposals: Participants may submit more than one proposal. However, only one proposal per speaker may be chosen.


Demonstration (50 minutes). An academic presentation is used for showing, rather than just telling techniques for teaching or testing.

Academic Paper (50 minutes). An oral summary. The presenter discusses and describes something s/he is doing or has done in relation to either theory or practice. The presenter often has handouts and may also use audiovisual aids.

Research Report (25 minutes). An opportunity for those involved in research (undergraduate and graduate students, administrators, teacher trainers, or classroom teachers) to report their ongoing or finished research in relation to language teaching or learning. This will be an opportunity to present (tentative) results, meet others interested in the topic and get feedback. Two Research Reports will be programmed within the same 50-minute block. Each talk should be no longer than 20 minutes with an additional 5 minutes for questions.

Show-and-Tell Session (25 minutes). These are like Academic Demonstrations but shorter in length and scope. One or a maximum of two practical teaching techniques is demonstrated with the group. Two Show-and-Tell sessions will be programmed within the same 50-minute block. Each talk should be no longer than 20 minutes with an additional 5 minutes for questions.

Workshop (1 hour 20 minutes). Very little lecturing by the leader; the emphasis is, rather, on the participants' activity, which is carefully structured by the leader. The leader works with a group, helping participants solve a problem or develop a specific teaching or research technique.

Poster Session (poster exhibited 2-3 hours). A poster session allows for short, informal discussions with other participants during the period that the self-explanatory exhibit is on display. The poster must be printed on canvas and measure 1.8 meters in height and .80 centimeters in width. They will be mounted on spider banner stands for exhibition and they are required to include a title; the name and institutional affiliation of the presenter(s); and a brief text with clearly labeled photos, drawings, graphs or charts. As with all academic sessions the poster session must not promote commercial interests. The presenter is responsible for setting up and dismantling the poster at the times designated by the Program Committee. Also, presenters must be on site with their posters during the designated time that the poster session takes place.

(First-Time presenters) (FT). It is the first time the presenter participates in our convention, and maybe at any other convention. These are short academic sessions with one or a maximum of two practical teaching techniques demonstrated within the group, or it is the thesis project of a under graduate student. Each talk should be no longer than 20 minutes with an additional 5 minutes for questions.


Classroom Methods/Techniques: Ideas that can be applied to ELT classes.

Applied Linguistics: Theoretical aspects of ELT, i.e., research.

Technology in EFL/ESL: Technological advances, such as software, smartphones, tablets, apps platforms, etc.

Testing: Presentations related to classroom evaluation situations.

Teacher Training/Supervision: Related to teacher training or supervision situations.

Program/Syllabus Development: Ideas for material or course development.

Program Administrators: Directed at administrators and their work.

ESP/STEM: Related to special groups in business, academic work, science, technology, or mathematics.

Interpretation/Translation: Theory and best practices

Social-emotional Teaching and Learning: Theory, strategies, best practices, and research.

Artificial intelligence applied to education and English teaching.

NEM (Nueva Escuela Mexicana). Theory and Practice of the current educational trends in México.


Pre-primary: Under 6 years old; before first grade of primary school.

Primary: Elementary School. 6 to 12 years old.

Secondary: Junior High School. 13 to 15 years old.

Preparatory: High School. 16 to 18 years old.

Bilingual Education: ESL Programs. English and Spanish are both taught with equal emphasis.

University: 18 years and older. Higher education programs.

Adult: Over 18 years old. Usually in private language institutes.

Inclusive Education at any educational level.


At the conclusion of the 2025 conference, you will be invited to participate in the Call for Proceedings by submitting an article or summary of your academic presentation. All the received proceedings will be included in a compilation that will be of open access and available to all convention attendees.

Your article must reflect personal aspects that you consider relevant and a result of presenting.

The call for Proceedings Guidelines will be sent to all participants once they have been accepted.

The due date for submissions will be November 30th, 2025.

Note: MEXTESOL® retains the right to photograph, film or otherwise record the academic sessions, social events, Summaries for the Proceedings, and any other activities organized by MEXTESOL® that are related to the conference for the use of MEXTESOL® in its publications and webpage. By submitting your proposal, you agree to accept these terms. Also, by submitting this academic proposal form you understand that you must not promote any commercial interests during your academic presentation.


All rooms will be provided with a computer projector, screen, laptop (only Power Point) and audio cable. All this equipment is provided free of charge.

Unfortunately, only "Windows" softwares can be used. We can't manage "Mac" or other softwares in the rooms.

Remember, if you do not receive confirmation of the receipt of your proposal, please contact the MEXTESOL® Office at or

Do not assume that we have received the proposal if you don't receive confirmation!

MEXTESOL® National Office Telephone: 52 (55) 5566 8774, 5566 8284

Deadline: Thursday, May 15th, 2025

To facilitate communication and handling, please send any correspondence concerning your proposal to the following address: OR Always include your proposal code.

Reminder: After submitting your proposal, it is not possible to change presenter names or to add additional new names.