OCTOBER 30th - 01th November
Welcome to your Pre-registration site for the
52th International MEXTESOL Convention 2025
1.- If you registered in 2021, go to step 5. 2.- If you not registered in 2021 Click here " SPEAKER REGISTRATION NOW" and complete all the fields. 3.-Click on "Submit" bottom. 4.- Confirmation of your Pre-registration will be sent (on screen and by e-mail). Also, you will get a password and a link to go to the 2021 Call for Participation Site. Check your spam folder too. Read the “Welcome” and the “Steps in Submitting a Proposal” carefully. 5.- Get your proposal ready and submit it following the link on your confirmation e-mail or the link below this List of steps by completing the “Proposal Form”. Do it by May 15th, 2025
6.- Once your proposal(s) is/are received, you will be notified, on screen and by e-mail. You can check the status of your proposal by logging in with your registered e-mail and your password stated in your notification e-mail.
7.- If your proposal is fully accepted, pay your reduced Speaker-Registration Fee. 8.- Send your voucher via email to membresias@mextesol.org.mx and asistente@mextesol.org.mx. 9.- Your payment and registration will be verified and recorded. An email with the confirmation of your payment and a barcode will be sent to you. 10.- In the pre-registration email you will receive a username and password with which you can verify the status of your .registration or if you have already paid to download your credential that accredits you as a Mextesol member and other elements that you can find at the end of the event. 11.- Present the barcode and the original voucher at the Speakers’ Registration booth to get your material.